Every company has their “thing”. Those distinctive components that set them apart from others. Hard work and honesty are the obvious attributes that resonate with the clients of Ringelberg Construction.
When Mario founded the company 28 years ago in Sandy Springs, Ga, he was pulling from several years of hands-on experience. As a young man, Mario’s artistic roots in drawing and painting lent themselves easily to a career in drafting. He gained a lot of his skills in what he might describe today as “mundane construction”. City buildings, plumbing, various construction companies… It wouldn’t be long before Mario’s highly creative nature left him wanting more.
Mario moved to Georgia in 1994 with his wife and two daughters. At just the same time, the world of high-end design was exploding. Homeowners everywhere found themselves renovating, adding and building new, which led Mario to finding his stride in Atlanta.
Specializing in kitchen & bath remodels, Mario prides himself in finding unique solutions that are highly creative and functional. Utilizing his drafting skills, he is able to clearly communicate what a project will look like when complete. He is not afraid of a challenge and enjoys trying new things. Ringelberg Construction is excited to partner with you on your next project to make your dreams come true!